Vaccination inqualities in West Sussex

This section has been produced to explore inequalities or differences in vaccination uptake among different groups, be it different age groups or people in different geographical areas.

In addition to geographical differences, we explore measures of deprivation and how this may relate to vaccination uptake locally.

Local vaccination uptake

The table below shows the local areas with the lowest uptake of at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination.

By default, it shows neighbourhoods (MSOA's) in Adur but you can search for a local authority area in Sussex, or an MSOA by name. You can also sort the table by by clicking on any of the headers. Click the header again to change the direction of the sort (e.g. from ascending to descending order, and vice versa).

Local vaccination uptake and deprivation

A measure of local (neighbourhood) relative deprivation is available from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government which classifies small areas as more or less deprived compared to others. More information is available here.

The IMD 2019 score is provided at Lower layer Super Output Area (LSOA) level, and we have used population weighted averages to aggregate this up to Middle layer Super Output Area (MSOA) level to coincide with the geography at which vaccination statistics are published.

The IMD 2019 ranks areas from most (rank of 1) to least (rank of 6,791) deprived nationally. We have also calculated ranks within Sussex (Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, and West Sussex MSOAs).

The map below shows the relative neighbourhood deprivation across Sussex. Hover over the box in the top right hand corner to change from neighbourhoods ranked nationally or within Sussex, or to see the proportion of adults in the age groups currently eligible for vaccination.

Looking at the map above gives us some idea that there may be lower uptake among areas where there is considered to be relatively more deprivation.

We can explore this relationship a bit further by plotting each neighbourhood on a scatterplot (below) which has deprivation along the bottom (from left to right) and percentage uptake along the side (from bottom to top).

West Sussex East Sussex Brighton and Hove

The figure shows that those neighbourhoods in more deprived areas tend to have lower uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations. This relationship appears to be more varied for Brighton and Hove neighbourhoods than for areas across West Sussex.

There are clearly more factors involved in being able to or deciding to get a vaccination than the relative deprivation of where a person lives. Moreover, we are only able to examine uptake among those age groups for which data are available in the public domain.